
Software and hardware expertise and innovations

by Martin Söderström

  • DNS Caching in Performance Tests on the JVM

    DNS caching can skew load distribution in performance tests. Learn how to intercept DNS lookups to ensure balanced server load.

    DNS Caching in Performance Tests on the JVM

    DNS caching can skew load distribution in performance tests. Learn how to intercept DNS lookups to ensure balanced server load.

  • Java 21 Virtual Threads - Back to Basics

    Java 21's virtual threads: A silent revolution in the Java landscape, urging developers to rethink asynchronicity and embrace the simplicity of synchronicity.

    Java 21 Virtual Threads - Back to Basics

    Java 21's virtual threads: A silent revolution in the Java landscape, urging developers to rethink asynchronicity and embrace the simplicity of synchronicity.

  • What I Love About Apache Kafka

    Kafka's partitions: a magic blend of engineering that allows developers to focus on solving business problems, not wrestling with distributed chaos.

    What I Love About Apache Kafka

    Kafka's partitions: a magic blend of engineering that allows developers to focus on solving business problems, not wrestling with distributed chaos.

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